Monday, June 29, 2009

Ed, Farrah, MJ, and Billy Mays

So my kid is off to the wonderful world of mother-hood now. It's been a week since the birth of Aidan. I love him dearly! She's got alot of things going on and she'll be good I know at getting all of them done and figured out. Heck look at all the women in this world that figures out how to raise their children. Why should my kid be any different. People have told me to tell her how to do things. I have but really she already knows most of it! She'll be fine! There will be struggles I know, like ever thing in life. God never promised a perfect life!

God took home 3 really cool people and one not so cool in my opinion. God will deal with all of them of course! I'm sorry but I'm not a Micheal Jackson supporter! He pissed me off years ago with the pay off of the child molestation charges! He will now be dealt with! Ed and Farrah I'll miss too! But Billy I was watching his show last night on my DVR and told my kid that I need to contact him on some ideas i have. Well I have ideas but none produced ever! I really need to make or do something when I have a great invention for the world. I've had many ideas and I think along the way of blogging here at blogger I've mentioned them? I'm not going to type any of them now, but I've had some pretty good ones. All of them now are what I say "stolen from me" but heck I didn't get the patent on them! So Billy RIP. Ed and Farrah RIP. Michael Jackson you mean nothing to me, "LOSER" "Child Molester!!!"

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