Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Work and Vegas

I really don't post here often anymore I see. Sorry my blog :) no really I started this blog a long time ago and somewhere along the line facebook hooked me. Yea, so I've been posting like crazy there and not typing in the old blogie here. But here I am on this Aug 18, 2009. As in my last post I said I'm losing my job. Yeah, there still saying we're open until the 31st of this month, but I'm leaving for Vegas on the 28th, so I asked to be done on the 27th, we'll see about that. I think there gonna make me work until the official closing, which means I'll have to cancel Vegas and then I'm gonna be really mad but I'll have to lose my 300 bucks I've plunked down to save my unemployment! Oh I also have a trip to Florida planned now too. Yep I'm going to Sarasota, Florida to visit with my best friend Brent! Leaving for that on Sept 21 through Oct 9, 2009. Yea 19 days woot-woot! :) so I'll be unemployed and going on two trips! I'm not documenting the Florida trip here like I did before every day, heck probably not at all. It takes alot of my time to do that and I'm not gonna bother this time. Either with the Vegas trip either. Maybe post pics when I get back from both or not at all..we'll see!

I looked back at some of my posts in the year of 2005 around this time. Pretty weird and funny! But that was a very important time for me. I was losing my house to foreclosure and trying to sell it and I quit smoking on August 20, 2005. Now it's been 4 years in two more days already....WOW!!!! And I've not cheated at all!! Not even one puff! And that's the truth!!! So now the secret is out...I was going to buy a guitar like the one on the right hand side of this blog for 4 years of not smoking. Actually instead of getting the guitar, that's why I'm going on two trips instead! I'll get the guitar later. Nobody has donated to my guitar fund, heck I don't think it's even on here anymore!

So there's my update and I'll try and try to get here more instead of facebook! I'll always be loyal to you my lil blog! Bye for now and chow-blog!

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