Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tough times

It's getting tougher to spend money right now. Work is really no miles= no money. All my wants now have become what do i need. I hope and pray for more work. Yea the guitar would be nice but food and a house are better. I don't need to say I'm broke but getting there. I hope I'll be able to keep my internet going too. Soon I'll have to hide in my rat hole and hunker down. I've lived on little money before so I know how to do it, but I'm too use to doing somethings now in life that cost lots of money and I have to stop....ugg! O-well I'll try to keep going as long as i can and cut what i need. Sorry blog to be down but it's really starting to get to me, plus there other things going on, and I'll save that for later! I'm glad for the things I have but I know I can lose everything in a heartbeat! God says he'll never give you more than you can handle, so I'm wondering how much more can I handle? I'll keep praying for this economy to pick up! Until bye!

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