Sunday, April 26, 2009

Again this weather really sucks!

Ok this weather really is starting to piss me off....every weekend I get home and it's cold and raining or snowing....what's up with it? Really! I want summer now!!! Ok I'll keep begging for nice weather...sorry blog but it was 34 degrees and 25 to 30 mile an hour winds all frickin day! And yesterday was nice but cold, like 40 degrees. Hey I can vent it's my blog and this is why I have a blog. In I don't get to vent like I do here. There it's pretty much one liners. Hold on it's Cap'n Crunch with Berries (CC)out of the box time....pause_______ok a mouth full.....yum! No milk so straight out of the box and RC cola to wash it down..hehehe! Ok I'm weird :) Well I'm confused by someone in my life right now and It's really weird. Sorry not mentioning any names so you (ie blog) will have to guess! O wait sorry readers of mine, who-ever you are, you'll have to guess too! Maybe one of you is the person I'm typing about? O-well sorry name withheld because it' will just cause more you know what! I just don't get it? Why? Jealousy gets you know-where~! So stop!--------(it's a CC break)-------yum! Really why do I have to explain things! Ok I'm going to stop my rant.,.ok.,ok.......Now on to the news! I'm gonna be a grand father! Yep my kid's pregnant and due in June! There I've been holding that one back for awhile! I love my kid! She's got a real wake up call going on though! She'll handle it! Can I? We'll see....38 years old and a grandpa! WTF or HELP! Ok I'll be ok! And so will she! The use of ( !!!!!! ) are being used a lot today in my blog post for some reason----CC Break! Yum!

Why at this time in history is the history of time being done why?

Donno how to answer that one!!!!!!

Bye for now!~~~~~Blogger is out~~~~

P.s why doe's my kid only eat one end of a McDonald's french frys? Look at the pic of the left-overs:


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