Monday, September 1, 2008

Some things?

Okay once again it's been a long time since I've typed something in the blog. Sorry to the blog. But I don't think Blog's have feelings anyways. So what's up in the Packrat's life these days? I'm now a huge ebay user, but I've had problems getting packages from the post office after ordering from ebay. Not going into details, but I'm in a dispute with the post office and the seller.

Summer is over and now it's bird hunting time. Boo hoo for summer...i love summer! But I'm extending summer a little bit, because next week I'm leaving for sunny Florida for 2 weeks. I might be posting alot of (random) pictures her on the blog of my trip just to document it. I hope my phone can still send pic's here.

I'll do a test now.

Sorry sideway's pic of me The Packrat

Okay while that's going on what else. Guitar and motorcycle riding still and still have fun doing it. Tried to get to the dog's house again but just can't make it...sorry dog! Coffee hell yeah! Love my coffee! Weird i sent a pic to the blog and my phone just rebooted for no reason.

I know there is something I wanted to say here....hum? O-yeah it's been one year now since I've cut my hair..(that's was stupid) yeah it's really long and I'm going to suffer in Florida in the heat. You know that Walk infomercial? Well I'm wearing em! Yeah i got suckered into a infomercial one day sitting in my truck doing nothing.

I might look for a job while in Florida. I'm really scared to fly too. If the plane goes down someone has to continue this blog in my memory.. yeah right! If this seems like I'm rambling...i am!

Nothing else, just catching up on things as they come to mind like my kid starts her final year of high school tomorrow sept.2,2008. She made captain of the cheer leading team this year "I'm so proud of her!" We also got her grad pic's done and today will be finalizing which one's are going to be printed. There's really expensive too, i can't believe how expensive. I've spent so far 176.18 and still not done with em. That was just for the sitting and the proof's. Next is picking out which proof's to print...ouch. Thanks to the ex-wife I'm paying for it all! It would be nice if she would at least try to give some money for her kids school activities. Cheer leading alone i think last month cost me about 500 dollars with fee's and camp and outfit's and stuff...but in the long run it's worth it, i love my kid and it's only once in a life time, but some help would be nice. There was my vent for the day.

Work is still work and I'm tired of it! Gonna be a short week since I'm off on Thursday to get ready for Florida.

Can you tell I'm excited!:)

Me and my friend Brent are planing to golf, fish, play baseball, tennis baseball, video games, and going to 2 baseball games-Tampa rays vs. Boston red socks and Tampa rays vs. twins (I'll try for the pic's of all that here) also about the tennis baseball that's a game me and him made up when we where kids. It has special rules and you play it on a tennis court with of course tennis ball, but it involves playing with real baseball equipment. (pic's maybe coming of that too). Let's see what else----yeah I'll be down there during hurricane season, that should be! I'll think of all of my friends when I'm sitting in a chair on the beach and out in the gulf of Mexico fishing for some sharks wile sipping on a beer! (pic's coming).

I have a lot to do and have done so much more this summer that i haven't mentioned, but that's okay I'll save it for another day. That day will be hopefully in Florida starting the 6th of sept. when I'm just sitting there with nothing to always but on Brent's computer uploading pic's and maybe a little of this rambling that I really don't know who reads it except me. Bye Blog! Be Good!

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