Saturday, September 6, 2008

First day in Sarasota Florida

Hello blog this was day one in Florida. I made it! Finally! The plane ride was great and I'm no longer afraid to fly....(at least this NOT). No really the ride down was awesome, just flying above the clouds. I pretty much looked like a little kid constantly looking out the window. Heck i felt like a little kid! So I called everyone I knew along the way and kept everyone up to date that I made it to each stop. I had two transfers. One in Detroit and then Atlanta final in Sarasota, fl. Same on the way back. So as I was flying into Sarasota my friend (I'll call him Brent from now on instead of always saying FRIEND in front of his name because that stupid) so Brent was online watching my flight live on the Internet and waited for me to come over his house and then he ran out and took a picture of the plane right above his house. How cool is that! Then he and Lacy (his daughter) hopped into the Cadillac and raced off to the airport 5 minutes away. I call them as soon as the plane hit the brakes and asked where to meet up with them. O-yeah cell phone's now have to be off the entire trip otherwise they'll take them or kick you off! So I got off the plane and headed for baggage check and got to the elevator and this is who I met:

Brent and Lacy

This is his truck pretty cool huh...j/k but it's a pretty cool truck in the parking lot of the airport. I had to get a pic of them to show how big this thing was

We went and ate at the burger joint call "five guy's burgers"
Lacy she's so cute!

Here's where they cook the burgers, they were really good!
They tasted a lot like place up were i live but man they hit the spot since i didn't eat anything since 2:30am when i got up.

Awe sunset at the beach, lovin' it.

Look I'm retarded!

Brent and Mousey at the house

Heather (his wife) and Mousey

The dog Goldie. He's pretty big! I'll try to get a better pic of him later

Awe and back to the beach and palm trees. I'm gonna be a beach bum i think some day.

And that was the first day

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