Sunday, September 14, 2008

Day 9 cont,

Too bad for the Viks they lost 18 to 15. O-well it's just a game. Sorry viks fan's but the bandwagon has broke down so you better get off now while you can and stop wasting time watching a mediocre team that will never make it to the super bowl. Go do something with your family or something else instead of watching a team such as the vikings. They never will be any good by following the old practices they have always played! It's 2008 and they need to change the entire program, all the way from the head management down to their lousy players. Kick them all out and tear the dam building down too! Sorry this is what i have to say, and if you don't like it that's ok that's what it all about in this country "freedom of speech". Remember it's just a game!

Ok the football game is over and now I'm playing guitar with Mike. Dang it no pics! Forgot! after doing this for awhile it's now getting dark and me and Brent are going fishing again. But this time we're bringing that throwing net he bought the other day.

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