Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 6 Sarasota, Florida

Wow on with day 6.
Busy day today. Lot's of pics below and i'll try to comment on each one. First off Brent and Heather have her family coming from England to stay here for two weeks in October. So their renting a condo (turn key) for that amount of time for about eleven hundred dollars, which is cheaper than staying in a hotel for one hundred a night. So we went to check it out and brent put a deposit down to hold it for the family.

Outside the condo
The balcany
Fully furnished
Girl not include....but perky!
After that we hit Wally mart and I got a great deal on my very first (again another first) pair of flip flops. They were on clearance for 5 bucks but they rang up for $1.50! Sweet!
Also we bought cheap frozin bait there for our day of fishing. They we headed to Ace hardware where I turned into McGuyFerDan. In the store i was making pole holders for the beach. Sorry no pics on how I did that, but the workers where impressed! So then we where off to the Lido Beach.
Lido beach was flooded by the storm surge of Ike so no fishing allowed but still pretty. Inland of this pic the roads getting there were all flooded. I really don't like taking pics of just water but i should have put some up of the flooding.
So we went to the Causeway Park pier to fish. and in the back ground is the John Ringling Blvd bridge.
Brent holding his pole
Me too
Damn i'm good at taking pics of myself
Panamoric view of where were standing:

After this is just water, and just water pics are stupid.
So we fished for awhile and caught nothing at it was time to get the ankle biter.
We went home for supper and then came right back to the pier 1 1/2 hour befor sunset and wam-O brent got the first fish.

A lizard fish

Sunset on the pier (see i need more than just a pic of water)
Awe there's the sunset
Turn the lights on!

Look Brent caught another one, this time a Grouper. (not a keeper, it has to be over 26 in.)
Brent's catching all the fish. This ugly fish is the Frog Fish (don't eat)

Finally I caught so something fun to real in. This is a Ladyfinger (very fast and powerful, like a Northern)

Then I caught a keeper. This is a Red Snapper, but I threw him back since it was the only one. If there where more it would have be worth the effort of cleaning them.

Then the best part of the night, me and Brent were approched by a big black guy selling a net. He said it was a 12 foot throwing net. He wanted $20 but he said he'll take $17. So I told him I don't think I can use that up in Minnesota to catch fish like Walleye and Northern and the guy had no idea what I was talking about. And Brent thought about it and said he'll look at it. Earlier that day when we were on the pier Brent and me were watching a guy right next to us throwing his net and catching fish and crab and Brent commented "I want a net". So here's his chance to buy a net. So he made arrangements to meet the guy at the end of the pier to look and possibly buy it. In the mean time i was still fishing and talking to some people by us that were really cool (you'll see them in the video below) and then another guy to my left started telling me that if he buys that net he will need professional lessons on how to throw it properly, and that a 12 foot net is one of the hardest to throw. I told the guy that Brent will work at it day and night unti he gets it, trust me i said! So Brent did buy it and came up up the pier with the net and it isn't a 12 footer but a 6 footer. A little more manageable, but it has heaver weights on it then most 6 footers. He still got a great buy i think because every one on the pier around us said that a 12 footer goes for $100 to $120 and a six footer about half of that!

And here's how you thow a 6 footer:

Sorry on the quality of the videos, but it was the best i could do with my phone! And it's about 3am now and have to get to bed! Good day blog!

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