Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 4 Sarasota, Florida

So here's the goings on today. Got up and worked on this laptop I'm using while Brent went to work for a little bit. I was trying to get a secure password protection on his wireless Internet and that took me all until he got back. Also I've be cleaning up this computer to run faster. I think it's working great now. It was in pretty rough shape when he first showed me the lapper.
So after that I went to the South Lido beach, well me and Brent to find a good fishing spot.

This is some of the traffic along the way

Some of the scenery

winds get pretty strong here i guess
After going to the beach and found a really cool spot to fish at (maybe tomorrow) we went to a bait shop and talked to some locals on what's in season from fishing from shore. We where told that Snok was. I don't know on that spelling of that, maybe it's Snook. Here's a web page: http://www.fish4fun.com/snook.htm. So we where hungry and Brent brought me to a local hang out to eat. He said the Grouper http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grouper was really good to eat there so I tried a fish sandwich for the fist time. There have been a lot of first for me on this trip. Hum let's see: All alone on a plane ride, the hole trip by myself, poker, grouper, wiping my butt (j/k). That's just some of them. So where was I........o-yeah Grouper sandwich and the restaurant on the bay side of Sarasota here a pics:
Outside of the Old Salty Dog Bar. http://www.theoldsaltydog.com/

Some of the local people

The view facing the Gulf of Mexico (see the pelican's on the posts)

Brent can't decide what to order! Yum ice tea! (is that lady sneaking a pic of the nose in the background?)
So after lunch we went back to the beach on the north side of Lido beach http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl&q=sarasota i think? Yeah that's where we went and it got really windy from hurricane Ike blowing around south of us. Brent found an totally in tacked sand dollar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_dollar. I might try to make a necklace out of it but i need to harden it with some thing so it doesn't break. Any comment's on how to do that bloggers that read this...if any? OK I got wet, the waves where getting bigger, salt water in the mouth is great, smeared sunglasses from the sweat, and sun burn is awesome. It don't get any better! To the bar we go...the tiki bar for a pina coladas.

On the way to the hut

So we drank ONE drink in the hut and we had to get Lacy from daycare so we head there.
Then the storm hit!

Yep the band's of Ike the hurricane came and it's been raining ever since! I'm typing this out the next morning sitting here drinking coffee and it's been pouring all night long, off and on! So inside we went and stayed the rest of the night. And for dinner another first I ate:

Yep Snow Crab!

Boy was is good!

Thanks Brent! Another first!

After eating the Tampa Rays came on the tube and we sat around and watch them win a key game against the Boston Red Socks. Then got bored and the madness began! Well not really just we fired up the video games until i think 1 or 2 am, when i finally said I'm going to bed!
O-yeah did i mention I received my Jawbone 2 a couple of day's ago. yeah the 2nd one I bought on http://www.ebay.com/ since the first one got ripped of at my apt!

Yum Captain Crunch!!!! With Berry's my favorite!

Pretty eventful day i guess, but really in previous blog post it's been the same way, I'm just getting better at telling about it. Really I have time this morning to do it! Ha, ha, ha, bye blog!

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