Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 11 cont.

Yes, oh yes! I finally beat Brent at golf.

Rolling Green Country Club

Smile for the camera Brent because this was where I pulled ahead of you by 3 strokes.

After all was said and done I won by ten strokes something like a score of 91 to 101. Pretty bad for golf but good enough for me.

This golf course isn't as nice as University C.C. but it's still a lot of fun just to be here and playing golf with my friend.

You can't see anything in this pic but there was a big hawk in the big tree on the left.

Brent's condo straight ahead.

Chilling after the game out on the patio.

God bless America! Florida too!

There coming to get you.

Look out!

Getting closer

Time to say goodbye for golfing!


Sunsets on the gulf

So after all that, we got home and ate dinner and then went to the poker room where I lost big time.. I think over one hundred. Yea that big time for me! Well not really I've been known to spend more at the casino but anyways it was fun once again. I don't think we'll be going there the remainder of my stay, because there just isn't enough time to pack in the events coming up. Tomorrow Brent's playing baseball but first I believe we're going golfing again. But Brent can't play ball if he doesn't get some ticket's for the t.bay ray vs. red sox game tomorrow night. We might have to drive up there and try to sell them on the street! If we can't sell them I think i''m going to the game and I'll give Brent 50 for my ticket! Yea 50 bucks for a baseball game is insane but I paid 45 buck for the twins game on Thursday. Which buy the way anyone want to watch I'll be the fat guy three rows up behind the twins dugout wearing a TB rays hat and a jersey with the number 23 on the back. Every time a player is up to bat on the right side of the plate you'll see me! Maybe I'll make a sign! "hi blog!" not really that but I'll post it here before i go on Thursday. I'm in a isle seat and the game starts at 7:10pm!

Well what else....hum? Honestly there is so much to do down here and other things (the little things) that I have not posted here simply because this is the most I've typed in a long time and really if I mentioned everything I'd not have time to do anything because I'd be here typing all day. Heck, here I'll throw in one of the thing's I've been up to......I've been looking for a job! Yep everyday I search the Internet just after I post this blog for the day before and look for a job. Not just look but researching company's around the Sarasota/Tampa Bay etc. areas. Buying news paper looking at the classifieds at cars, boat, rummage sales, jobs, and houses. I've been looking a lot for a place to live down here. Talking not only with Brent and Heather on how they like it. Heck I know they like it, you know I've been talking to the locals out and about. Just last night I was talking to two people on two different poker table that moved here 10 and 20 years ago, asking them what they disliked first and then liked about living in not only Florida but the Sarasota area. One of them lived here and the other lived in Venice, Fl. So see little things that I'm doing and not writing about every day. Really that has been going on since the day I got off the plane! I like it here, I really do. Someday I'll be here living I can feel it! I just have some things to work out and then PHOOF I'm gonna be here somewhere in Florida! Sorry no details, because there is a BIG DEAL for me to do something like this in my life, being I'm so settled in where I live now and have so much junk too. Also there's family that I would be leaving behind and that's what's keeping me up north, I'll be honest! Ok enough of that I really have to stop and get on with the day.

Blog you've been long again so b-b-b-y-e!

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