Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why do I stay up so late?

It's now 1am on Saturday morning. Why do I stay up so late? Every time I'm at home I can never get to bed before midnight. Remember once in a while I would have a poem in my head and jot it down here. Well:
It's so late tonight:
Gotta be asleep soon for what
In the morning I'll be what
That's why I said for what!
It's time for what?
What! What? What!
Leave me alone I'm sleeping.....

That's rambling blog, not a poem, but anyways...thats "WHAT" I said in my I wrote it down blog, blog, blog .... .... .... .... why do I write stuff when I'm so tired. It's now 1:08 am. Now 1:09 am. I'm still here! Come on people why are you reading this tonight. There's noting interesting here. Go to someone else's blog thingy....1:10am! There I have completely wasted 10 minutes of your life reading a Packrat's Blog! LOL :)

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