Friday, October 10, 2008

Awe what a day!

Ok I've been home now in MN since the 20th of last month and my body still hasn't recovered from the temp change! Why is that? I left and it was getting 50 degrees on the 6th of Sept. but then it didn't seem that cold. So I went to Florida and it was 90 degrees every day and I come back and it's feels like it's January. It snowed today in northern MN, and rained all day today. I got alot done today but first here's what I've been up too.
I went with my friends Coyote, Grampa K and other's to the annual bird (grouse/small game) shoot at Grampa K's location this year last weekend and here are some pics of that:
This is Father Goose and Zack, Grampa K's son Dan with the beard and I don't know who the guy is next to him

Zack you're a goof ball....get a bird or something!

Dan trying to use his cell, should have just left it at coverage where we're at!

The bird dog Ruger

Little Dale

We're all here in a gravel pit at 1pm have a quick lunch of beans and hot dogs, polish and chips over a fire! Yum!
Coyote in the foreground (smile:)) Grampa K and his Grandsons in the background

Here they are again looking at something, I really don't remember what!

Dale Father Goose again and Zack chowing down on some beans

Sorry no pic of actually hunting or anything but we did get 7 or 9 birds that day! I shot one and destroyed it beyond saving any meat and hit one on the fly but never found it! It was alot of fun and can't wait to do it again!!!!

Ok so I'm a Ebay buyer now. Yup this is my newest thing is to come home from work and after I get things put away I grab a Cherry Pepsi and sit down on the computer and search for things. But on this particular day my kid needed a book for school. She's been using or sharing a friend's book and they or all of the class bought there books at Barnes and noble or something like that for 10 to 20 bucks and I found this on ebay for .99 cent's, well that's what I bid and won!! And after shipping it cost me under 5 bucks. Pretty cool for a guy that don't know how to use, or didn't like using ebay just 2 months ago. Also I bought a charger for her cell phone for .01 cent and after shipping charges it too was under 5 bucks. Yes I've been ripped of using ebay but it wasn't the seller, it was the USPS. I think I wrote that down in Blogger history or something
Pic of the book:

So since I've been home I've been getting supplies for snow crab legs together. I had a pot, bought crackers to crack the shells, bought little forks to dig out the meat, seasoning too! And just last week I bought some sweet corn to go with the crab, just like at Brent's house. Also today I bought some French bread too. So I was ready to cook... and that I did! Tonight was the night! I've been waiting to do this since I've got back like I said! Also the Tampa Bay Rays and the Boston Red Sox are playing at 7:30 central time so I'll be eating my crab legs and watching baseball (oh yeah Brent is at the game by the right foul poll) I can't believe I'm watching baseball again like I did all those 20 plus years ago...but it's fun! Ray's all the Way BABY!!!!!!
Here's my pic of the snow crab:


Stock market and this economy sucks!!! I really don't want to get into that!

But I was up at 8am and saw the rain and went back to bet until ten! Okay I'm so glad that today was raining all day and I've managed to get my house clean again. Did the laundry, cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed, hung pictures and straitened up, o-yeah and icky bills too! I was suppose to bird hunt all day with Father Goose (Dale) but like I said above I did other thing's. Maybe next week. Not this week MN is having an early deer hunt this weekend, so I'll leave the deer hunters alone!

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